Januar 17, 2009

/Ryan Leslie - How it was supposed to be (2nd Video)

So after the 1st version of "How it was supposed" to be (which was nice), the 2nd version of the video is out.
On his Homepage Ryan Leslie explains that he wants to do sth. creative and that the his first concept could not be realized cause it would cost him 200K...so he took Tyson Beckford who directed the video with him , so a lot of Ryan Leslie ideas are in it...it´s like a movie... a very nice army concept with a nice acapella version of Diamond Girl too...like it !!!

Source : OnSmash

2 Kommentare:

Lizzy hat gesagt…

You're right, most of his music videos are like short film.


le hat gesagt…

i love this song
lol @ me playing it on my ipod as i type

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